The value of human relationships it’s the basis of our way of doing, thinking and being. It’s at the center of both our artistic creations and our way to manage the company.
Over the years we have consolidated some ethical values that we apply on a daily basis, with the hope that culture can represent a way to imagine a more friendly and respectful future, and with the certainty that our work helps to build a more tolerant society.

Horizontality and division of responsabilities

The artistic creation and the management model of the company are based on collective work. All processes are developed jointly, including the needs of the team and the different points of view and perspectives. This way of working nurtures diversity and fosters a sense of community, and we have been able to verify that it enriches the results, both in the artistic and in the management field, but above all human.

Equitable sharing of economic resources

All the members, permanent workers and external collaborators are paid based on the hours worked and the salary they receive is equal, the same base amount, without differences between positions or roles. We consider all members of the team as equally important pieces of the same gear.

Gender perspective

We select the artistic team and company workers, both permanent and intermittent, according to human and ethical criteria that do not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation or other reasons. Even so, it is sought that, both in the creations and in the hiring of internal and external professionals, there is a distribution of genres as equal as possible.

In addition, we work to achieve that all our communications use non-sexist, inclusive and respectful language, both in terms of internal communication, as well as in public communication, such as publications on social networks, content for the press or communication materials.


We are aware that the current production system and human activity are affecting and endangering our planet and our society. For this reason, we are committed to Sustainable Culture, understanding sustainability as a balance between economic growth, social equity and respect for the environment. 

In order to achieve this, we have taken measures such as using online dossiers, recycled paper, organic fabrics and inks, recycling set materials, compensating CO₂ emissions, planning tours to optimise travel and sending eco-responsible guidelines for the entities that program our shows.

La Companyia de Circ “eia” aposta per la Cultura Sostenible, entenent la sostenibilitat com a equilibri entre el creixement econòmic, l’equitat social i el respecte al medi ambient.

L’objectiu de la Companyia de Circ “eia” és incorporar la sostenibilitat i cura del medi ambient com quelcom intrínsec en totes les seves accions, des dels tres àmbits d’acció de Cultura Sostenible.

El sistema productiu i l’activitat humana actual estan afectant i posant en perill el nostre planeta. Des de la consciència que algunes de les accions desenvolupades (com les gires d’espectacles) tenen un impacte contaminant, totes les accions i decisions de la Companyia de Circ “eia” es prenen sobre criteris de sostenibilitat i cura del medi ambient, que representen un valor ètic fonamental.

D’una banda, per fer-ho s’han establert diferents mesures internes com la reducció de residus, la substitució de la impressió de dossiers en paper per dossiers desmaterialitzats, l’ús de paper reciclat i les tintes ecològiques quan sigui estrictament necessari, la reutilització de materials escenogràfics, etc.

D’altra banda, la Companyia de circ “eia” ha desenvolupat accions per fer més sostenibles les seves gires a través de la compensació de les emissions de CO₂, la planificació de les gires per optimitzar desplaçaments i la redacció d’un full de recomanacions eco- responsables que es facilita als equipaments involucrats a les gires (el qual es detalla més endavant).

Per anar més enllà en aquests criteris, aquest any s’encarregarà a una empresa externa la realització d’una auditoria mediambiental, per analitzar l’efectivitat de les mesures preses fins ara, i elaborar una llista de nous objectius a curt, mitjà i llarg termini.

Així mateix, la Companyia de Circ “eia” està actualitzant els seus materials de comunicació incloent i posant en valor els ODS que es promouen a cada espectacle o projecte.
